Sunday, November 20, 2011

nov. 19

awhile ago, we celebrated my sis' 18 birthday. we kept it simple. she is the youngest child in the family. it just came in my mind that we are all adults now. more responsibilities, more insights, more judgments. time flies so fast. yesterday, you can't decide what color you will use in coloring you favorite drawn dress then awhile ago, you just celebrated your 18th birthday. things change, people gets old, and only time keeps pacing and ticking.
questions: how can you really tell when a person reaches the age of maturity? when 18 years symbolizes a perfect age for puberty/reproduction, does it also means emotional maturation as well? 
 i love flowers. not necessarily roses, but.. hm.. who doesn't anyway?
another glimpse of our christmas tree here with the shy birthday girl.
-until next time!!