Saturday, August 7, 2010

tears no more.

Tissues, everyone?
Crying is the best way to express someone's feelings. The strongest person and the happiest one had always been moments in their life when all they've done was to cry. It is a defense mechanism of the heart. The only doings of both saddest and happiest ones. They say that crying sometimes can clear feelings. After you cry, you will feel a lot better. When crying, i usually hide myself and get into my bed. During my weeping moments, i question God. I speak to Him about how I feel and how much it hurts. I would say that when I cr, I feel refreshed afterwards. My heart will change and live in up again. After a bucketful of tears, I will always turn over my hurtful feelings to the Lord. And in return, He will give me new hope to fight for aiming happiness. ;)