Tuesday, May 18, 2010

oK. I was curious about this 11:11 phenomenon. Or is it really a phenomenon?
I'll be giving some book writings related to this belief and some true stories that people relates to this numbers.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thank God its friday! You know, when I'm in elementary and highschool years, Friday was the best day of the week and saturday was just awesome. I am really nervous then when it is Sunday night, because after that night, i'll be a student again getting pissed off with classes and school stuffs. So, yeah... i was bored. I opened then my camera at my laptop and click some shots.
It was in our living room and kinda hungry. So till here. Ow wait..hmm..I had a lonely/awkward memory yesterday but I don't wanna tell now, because that's in the past. I was really optimistic in this time of my life right now, I don't know why. Because things seems not falling into places, I got myself like, i got my defense mechanism of cheering myself. Lately, i felt really bad and all i did is wrong and foolish. At the past, when like this came at my way, all i do is cry. But, now...i just kinda numb. I do mistakes, but even if I do
it, right after I don't blame myself. I don't cry. I don't think hardly on that mistake. I will forget it the next few days. I forgive myself instantly, because I know, God is always forgiving me no matter what my unintentional actions were.
So, if you are reading this blog post, if you made a mistake, first thing you can do, is forgive yourself. Then, if you already forgive the hell out of you, and can smile after that, you can forgive others.
Hope it works.
till here.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

advice no. 1

Hi! I made this very simple video out of nowhere, out of boredness and sudden enthusiasm, i guess. I dream of writing articles and self-help books. I wonder how problems will be solve through words. I question things with "what ifs". I am a fan of speakers and speeches. I wish someday that I can right a speech that will be presented and memorize by a well known speaker or leader. I want to have a book that will help lonely souls and heartbreaks. I want to be practical in terms of advices and thoughts. I imagine myself writing something, putting scraps into trashcans and repeating and repeating lines of ideas. Then after the losing my mind stage, i can come up with the perfect words for readers to be interested with.

For now, I prefer telling the world bits of advices. I know I can go there, in due time... in God's perfect time.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


This is myself. I never post much of my pictures at the internet because it is very risky at times. In this world with 6 billion people and multiplying, its kinda troublesome. But it is safe here, i guess. Besides, its just a photo. I know, i know, kinda nervous at times, haha, but, i'm just being cautious.

When I first create this blog, i said to myself that i will post only good memories here. I don`t want any negative things here. I feel very happy everytime I talk and write about how wonderful the world is and so is God. We are His creatures and we should manage ourselves to be wonderful inside and out. To be honest, on that part, i am just a simple girl. For that, being physically wonderful is not really my way of thinking, or should I say, my priority. As I`ve said at my last blog, i`m old-fashioned so, being so glamorous physically was not my thing.
Ok, enough of that.haha.

You know what, not much of energy today because kinda sad today.so gonna end this.
till next time.