Tuesday, May 11, 2010

advice no. 1

Hi! I made this very simple video out of nowhere, out of boredness and sudden enthusiasm, i guess. I dream of writing articles and self-help books. I wonder how problems will be solve through words. I question things with "what ifs". I am a fan of speakers and speeches. I wish someday that I can right a speech that will be presented and memorize by a well known speaker or leader. I want to have a book that will help lonely souls and heartbreaks. I want to be practical in terms of advices and thoughts. I imagine myself writing something, putting scraps into trashcans and repeating and repeating lines of ideas. Then after the losing my mind stage, i can come up with the perfect words for readers to be interested with.

For now, I prefer telling the world bits of advices. I know I can go there, in due time... in God's perfect time.
